Monday, December 15, 2008

We Make the Rockin' World Go 'Round

First, let me apologize for being conspicuously absent for a MONTH!  Admittedly, winter hit here in Ohio, this means gray rainy skies almost every day.  Pair that with working and holidays and other madness and you have a very deviant blogger indeed.  So, I'm sorry, I'll try to be better in the future!

Today we are feeling very deviant.  I want you to picture, for a moment, your own favorite mental image of a housewife.  (I tend to picture frilly aprons and crinolines, c. 1950, perfect hair, and that sort of glazed happy look on her face as her children provide background music.)  Now let us compare that picture to the reality here in the DD home.  Your truly is decked in a band t-shirt, flannel, and a hoodie which would make any 1980s child proud.  Also, my background music is Queen, played slightly too loud...
However! We are accomplishing very domestic things.  Meal planning and shopping is completed, and there are ingredients for Christmas Cookies setting out on the table while the butter softens.  This batch will be basic sugar cookies, though I'm hoping for a gingerbread house sometime in the next week.  More decorations will be added to the existing tree and garlands this evening, and half of the holiday cards are in the mail!  (No wonder we need a little classic rock to balance everything out.)
I promise more recipes and hopefully a few pictures in the near future.  For now, hello again, and we'll see you soon!


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