Monday, November 17, 2008

Adventures in Brussels Sprouts Pt.1

Good afternoon!  Welcome to Monday and the third edition of the Deviant Domestic.  Today has been a whirlwind day, complete with lounging, exercising, and snow!
I would love to say that I accomplished something useful today, but alas I did not.  I am reading a surprisingly excellent book (Elantris by Brandon Sanderson) and thus spending a lot of my free time rooted to the couch with book in hand.  I did manage to get out to the gym this morning, mainly because I knew it would take me close to my second destination... The Grocery Store.  I went in looking for green beans and chicken, forgetting that green beans have decidedly gone out of season here in Ohio.  I found instead some nice looking brussels sprouts.
"Self?" I said. "Do we know how to prepare brussels sprouts?"
"Well," Self responded "no, but the Internet does!"
And into the basket they went.
I consulted a few recipes, glancing briefly at The Flexitarian Table which was dismissed due to time constraints, and coming to rest at Coconut & Lime for tonight's recipe.  Simple, tasty, and fuss free.  I highly recommend this one!  The lovely sprouts were paired with roasted sweet potatoes (dressed lightly in olive oil, salt, pepper, and paprika) and herb crusted whole roasted chicken legs.  All together, a very satisfying winter dinner.
And I do mean winter... it started snowing in earnest today!  

Keep warm, until next time...

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